Kunsido is an independent online community of meeting enthusiasts: facilitators, meeting designers, meeting researchers, event planners, (un)conference and workshop organizers, team leaders, and anybody else concerned with meetings. Meeting enthusiasts don’t necessarily love all meetings (who does?) but they care about them, perhaps a bit more than many others. While others complain about bad meetings, they are looking for ways to improve them. They do research, they share experiences, they try to understand, they discuss, and they experiment with innovative ways of organizing meetings. This site aims to facilitate such activities and foster a global community about meetings. – Do meetings and talk about them.

So why is it called Kunsido anyway? – Kunsido means “meeting” (literally: “sit together”) in Esperanto, a language constructed to facilitate global dialogue. So is this website.

At the core of the site is the Kunsido community forum running on discourse, the most advanced forum software available. Enjoy!

Kunsido is supported by a research grant from the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme as part of the outreach activities of grant PIOF-GA-2013-629115.