Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) changes the equation for meeting intense workflows – Traditional setups V.S. GDSS supported workflows – A Case Study

This paper belongs to Thematic Session 3 of the Gothenburg Meeting Science Symposium

Pierre Wettergren, CCGEurope (Chalmers Industrial Technology)

This case study is based on a risk assessment work conducted in a Swedish governmental organisation. This organisation had at the time 5’500 employees and a yearly revenue of 25 billion Swedish kronor. The risk assessment was performed by Clever Collaboration Group, experts in virtually supported work flows mainly using GDSS. In this Study a comparison was made by the traditional way of working with the possibilities that virtually supported workshops and work flows ads.
Our findings show that the total calendar time from initiation to delivered and approved Risk Assessment Report changed from 95 days to 32 days (time), the quality improved from 40% accuracy and completeness to 97% (Quality), and the total cost including travels and cost of staff and consultants decreased from €175´000 to €31’000 (Economy of Effort). These differences were analysed retrospectively and findings are based on the interviews with participating managers and facts provided by participants of the project.
The main difference between the traditional working flow versus the virtually were that in the latter participants was asked to bring their laptops to the first meeting, i.e. the risk identification meeting. Participants received an URL via email upon arrival in the meeting room, and after a few minutes the meeting facilitator observed the flow of incoming contributions. The participants were executives and middle managers and since the graphical user interface doesn’t require any training and uses intuitive buttons and icons managers took the role as ambassadors and invited lower level of managers and staff. The risk identification activity was then kept open 3 more days for online participation by the now largely extended group of people. This way of engaging managers and staff was repeated for all the six business areas. Each risk identification workshop took 90 minutes but was kept open for 3 days in total. The forthcoming steps in the risk assessment was then managed online and participants could choose themselves to participate asynchronous from time and place of their own choice or organise meetings to sit together and work. The project then ended with a physical presentation meeting with the executive team were the findings together with the recommendations from the facilitator was presented. In the abstract we have left out the enabling factors in the GDSS and also a description of the traditional consultancy approach used in 2011.

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